Team Bath Racing Electric jolts into action

With 28% of entries in Formula Student 2016 being electric-powered, a number that is expected to rise in 2017, we caught up with Team Bath Racing Electric to see what 2017 has in store!

From the team's humble beginnings in January last year in building an electric go-kart and competing with their first car in Formula Student 2016, Team Bath Racing Electric have gone from strength to strength. According to Stefano Dallavalle, the team's Project Manager, Business and Finance Manager:

"We have grown from a core of 10 final year students in September to over 70 students now involved in the project from all year groups across both the Mechanical and Electrical Departments, with some of our first year students telling us that the reason they came to study at Bath was because of TBRe."

fs_batterytestingHaving completed their recent recruitment drive, the team has now officially launched their electric Formula Student car project and work has been going at a quick pace. Recent updates in December include taking delivery of a new EMRAX motor and putting their electric cells through a proper endurance simulation.

With all these new developments, Stefano and the team have high hopes for the upcoming Formula Student competition:

"We have secured the support of new and existing sponsors as well as support from the University Alumni Fund. We will be continuing these efforts into he new year with the announcement of more sponsors and partners. The addition of a dedicated non-technical team this year has allowed us to increase our promotional activity and we have a strong cohort of third year students who have entered into the class 2 event for FS UK."

With Team Bath Racing having achieved their stats as the number one UK team, all eyes are now on TBRe to see if they can replicate the success and winning style that the University of Bath is famous for!

For more information and to follow their progress, visit and thanks to Stefano and Antonio for sharing their updates - best of luck in the competition.

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