
Member to Fellow Applications

This type of application will be submitted by someone who is already a Member of the Institution (MIMechE) and will also be CEng, IEng or EngTech registrants.

Application documents

The application will consist of an application form, brief CV, organisation chart and evidence of the qualities for Fellowship. Applicants who do not submit evidence of the qualities in clear statements will not be sent for assessment.

IA review

Industrial Advisors will be asked to score the evidence submitted by the applicant and also to provide supporting comments to explain why that score has been awarded. The commentary must be objective and evidence-based. IAs should be aware that applicants can request a copy of their scores and feedback. After completing the scores and justification sections assessors will then pick the most appropriate recommendation, based on the scoring awarded. Explanation of the recommendation should also be provided. Only IAs who are registered as Fellows can review applications for Fellowship.

Qualities for Fellowship

Successful candidates must be able to provide evidence of ALL of the essential qualities, ONE of the desirable qualities, PLUS ONE OTHER, which can be either a desirable or an optional quality.

  • Essential Qualities

  • Desirable Qualities

  • Optional Qualities

Please note: this list is not prescriptive or exhaustive and therefore other aspects of the applicant’s work can be used to provide evidence. The definitions are provided as guidance. The range of roles undertaken by Fellows is very wide and it would be impossible to encompass them all in the guidance. The guidance should be read as providing an indication of what is expected rather than specific requirements ie. the applicant may provide evidence that meets the intent without necessarily matching the specific examples.

Applicants should demonstrate a continuing involvement with mechanical engineering but do not have to be directly practising engineering at a hands on level. They should demonstrate that engineering knowledge is either a requirement of the role that justifies them being a Fellow or that it enhances their performance in that role in a meaningful way.

Scoring Member to Fellow applications

IAs are asked to score the Qualities on a scale of 1 to 4:

  1. The evidence show that the Quality has not been met
  2. The evidence indicates that the applicant is marginally short of meeting the requirements. For example, the applicant may be undertaking some of the activities described above, but is not able to demonstrate that they are being done on a regular basis or fully at the appropriate level
  3. The evidence indicates that the applicant meets the requirements
  4. The applicant well exceeds the requirements

Review outcomes

IAs should note that ‘good’ Fellows will score level three for most of the qualities; awarding level 4 indicate that the applicant has ‘well exceeded’ the requirements and so will only be used in exceptional cases. Level 4 indicates that someone is outstanding in that quality, for example, someone who was recognised as a national expert in their particular field might scores level 4 in D1. If they are their company's in house expert, they may score a level 3.

Successful applicants will have met or exceeded the minimum score requirements: level 3 or above for all of the essential qualities plus two other level 3 scores – one ‘desirable’, plus one other.

A full explanation of the recommendations available to IAs can be found in the next module.

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