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IMechE Trustee Board Elections 2025 – Call for Nominations

Nominations Committee

IMechE Trustee Board Elections 2025 – Call for Nominations
IMechE Trustee Board Elections 2025 – Call for Nominations

The IMechE Nominations Committee is now seeking nominations for the Trustee Board Elections 2025. We have vacancies for: Deputy President, Vice President, and Ordinary Member (International).

The eligibility criteria for the respective roles are set out below:

Role Eligibility criteria
Deputy President Elected from those who are or have been Vice-Presidents or International Vice- Presidents.
Vice President Elected from those Fellows who are ordinary members of the Trustee Board or members of the Council or who prior to 12 February 2002 were or had been Ordinary Members of the Council (as constituted prior to that date). 
Ordinary Member (International) Ordinary Members of the Trustee Board shall be elected from professionally active Corporate Members. The Ordinary Member (International) shall have spent at least 10 years living and working in a professional capacity outside the British Isles and at the time of commencing their term of office is also resident outside of the British Isles.

Should you wish to apply to be a Nominations Committee nominee (in accordance with By-law 61.1) you will need to complete an application form and attach your latest CV (this must be limited to two pages). You will also need to confirm that you have the time availability/capacity to perform the role.

The deadline for applications is 23:59hrs (GMT) on 8 December 2024.

How to apply:

  • Read the role descriptions (see the links below). You will also find important information about the work of the Trustee Board, its members, and Terms of Reference here.
  • IMechE has partnered with Mi-Voice electoral services to manage our Corporate Elections 2025. To complete your application form please visit the Mi-Voice elections portal. You will not need to register.

Please submit your online application by no later than 23:59hrs (GMT) on 8 December 2024.

Links to role descriptions:

  1. Deputy President
  2. Vice President
  3. Ordinary Member

Your application will be acknowledged by Mi-Voice and reviewed by the Nominations Committee. If you have any questions about the application process or the online application form, please contact 


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