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Optimising Fluid Machinery: Heat Pumps and Hydrogen Boilers...Interview with Martyn Bridges, Worcester Bosch

Institution News Team

Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Services at Worcester Bosch
Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Services at Worcester Bosch

Ahead of our Optimising Fluid Machinery: Heat Pumps and Hydrogen Boilers seminar, we caught up with Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Services at Worcester Bosch.

Read the full speaker interview as Martyn discusses his role and involvement with regards to the seminar topic, the challenges preventing greater levels of decarbonisation within domestic heating, and why it is important for engineers to attend.

Q: Please briefly explain your view on how the decarbonisation of domestic heating may best be achieved.

Martyn Bridges (MB): It was and is proving to be a very difficult task, most of the other decarbonisation measures that have been undertaken didn’t really affect or involve householders. Going into people’s homes though and asking them or enforcing them to make changes that will require some disruption and cost is challenging to say the least. We are a nation of mostly gas boiler users, we live in small homes with not much if any spare space and we have probably around 15m Combi boilers installed in these homes. To replace a Combi with anything other than another Combi requires changes, perhaps to the entire heating system or at least some of it. In most cases a hot water storage cylinder is now going to be required and space found to locate it so all in all persuading consumers to do this whilst we have a cost-of-living crisis is very difficult. 

Q: What are the top challenges preventing greater levels of decarbonisation within domestic heating?

MB: The challenges vary on what technology is favoured, its no secret that the governments preferred solution is to electrify our heating systems and promote and enforce heat pumps. Heat pumps are a fine technology and as a first fix into a new build property or an extensively modified property are perfect, its when you try and retrofit them into an existing home is when we experience barriers or issues. None of them are technically insurmountable and there is a solution for most cases however, the consumer is not always up for this.

If the government was a bit more open to other technologies such as hybrid systems, newer variations of gas and the blending of gas then it would be easier to find a solution to open up customer acceptance a little more.

It is still the case, particularly in Q1 and Q4 of the year that most boiler installations are distress purchases where the existing boiler has failed beyond repair. The customer is only interested in restoring the heat and hot water as quickly as possible and that’s where a heat pump installation has problems. If you’re applying for the BUS grant and with all the criteria needed to meet the MCS requirements this isn’t a speedy process and can take some weeks before the house is up and running again.

Q: How would you say your view of the domestic heating industry has changed over the past 2-3 years?

MB: I think that we have seen traditional boiler manufacturers and installers widen their product portfolios to include an array of technologies and not just boilers. If you attend any heating and plumbing exhibition it's difficult to see just boilers being demonstrated, its heat pumps, hybrids, heat interface units etc. Basically, we are seeing a whole new focus on not just the heat source but also the heating system as a whole and how that can be improved for the benefit of efficiency and comfort.

Q: What will you be presenting at the seminar and how will this benefit participants?

MB: I will be presenting an array of technologies that are available and how they can be incorporated into achieving the net zero goal. As we are one of a few appliance manufacturers involved in the development of hydrogen ready boilers I will be highlighting the work we have undertaken on this subject however, all technologies will be shown.

Q: With a topic such as domestic heating, there are multiple routes to decarbonisation being pursued by engineers and researchers (e.g. heat pumps, hydrogen blending, heat networks), why is it important to share knowledge and hear from a range of experts?

MB: Some of the technologies have a higher profile and awareness than others such as heat pumps, so whilst there may be many people in the room with this awareness there may also be some who aren’t.

The Optimising Fluid Machinery: Heat Pumps and Hydrogen Boilers seminar will be taking place on 12 June 2024 at One Birdcage Walk, London.

To book your place, please visit the event website.


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