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Become a more effective leader and achieve professional recognition with a CMI qualification

Institution News Team

Type “leadership” into a search engine and you’ll get nearly five billion hits. Some of these are inspired; others a statement of the obvious; and many are simply patronising nonsense!

Yet the sheer volume of results is recognition both of our instinctive understanding of the importance of this elusive concept and a desire to get better at it.

Twice a year, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers runs the Chartered Manager Bootcamp at the University of Warwick. An immersive 4-day course, it’s for people who are serious about growing and developing their leadership and management skills to the next level. Over the four days, expect to learn, discuss and apply key concepts such as the difference between leadership and management, driving performance, developing high performing teams, dealing with conflict, motivating effectively, communicating and influencing leadership behaviours and delegation.

The programme is specifically designed to help CEng and IEng managers to develop the skills to meet the learning requirements of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership. With us all being challenged to deliver more for less in an ever more uncertain environment, there can hardly be a better time to look again at how professional managers can deliver better results. And becoming a Chartered Managers demonstrates not only a valuable qualification in management and leadership. It shows current professional experience and the impact you have at work. It also evidences a commitment to professional development, which is crucial at a time when managers face change like never before. This means that employers can have the highest confidence in Chartered Managers – it is a seal of approval for a person’s management ability.

However, training is only as good as the trainer. These sessions are run by one of our experienced trainers, John Hattam. John has spent over twenty years working in the commercial sector, with much of this time in leadership and management roles. This provides an extensive awareness of the core CMI modules based on personal experience and an ability to contextualise these for delegates. The last sixteen years of self-employment in running his own business has provided additional learning and application about commerciality and entrepreneurship which has further rounded his ability to explain and apply key concepts. Extensive reading and conversations with fellow professionals has ensured that CPD is maintained and developed; and various leadership roles (both remunerated and pro bono) in many different contexts within his self- employed portfolio (including non-executive director roles within the NHS and chairing a £26m multi-academy trust) have kept that experience relevant and up to date. Warmth, humour and interactivity are key elements of his style. John has trained and lectured on leadership extensively in 20 different countries including the UK and Ireland; and across a wide variety of delegates from apprentices to directors in pretty much every conceivable role and job title. Recent feedback from delegates on this programme has included the following comments:

Fantastic course that delivered very good content with time to reflect on how it would be useful in real world situations”

“Frankly the best taught course I’ve ever attended, in terms of tutor style and methodology. Course material very insightful with multiple “pennies dropping” throughout the four days”

“The best course I have ever attended. John is an outstanding tutor with an excellent ability to read the audience and ensure 100% engagement”

Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones famously asked the question in the title of their book on leadership; “Why should anyone be led by you?” It’s a searching question. Come along to CMI bootcamp and start discovering some of the answers.

If you’re unsure of which qualifications are best suited to your role and at which stage in your career they should be leveraged to maximum effect, join us on 27 May 2022 for a webinar on ‘How a CMI qualification can add value and significantly enhance your professional skills’. Register for your free place here.


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