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60 seconds with...Alexander Zacheshigriva, AZ Eng

Institution News Team

Alex explains his excitement to be a part of the IMechE's Lifecycle of Pressure Systems conference.

For further details of the conference and to book your place, please visit the event website.

Please could you briefly explain your role, involvement, and experience with regards to the Pressure Systems industry and this event?

Alexander Zacheshigriva (AZ): I run AZ Eng Ltd consultancy, where I provide advice and analysis services on the design of pressure systems to clients from a variety of industries. I also provide training to engineers through IMechE Learning and Development department as an associate consultant. I have over 15 years of experience in the industry, including leading the Mechanical Engineering team at Babcock (Rosyth). In the past year I have been leading an R&D project funded by UKRI on development of modular H2 storage.

What, in your experience, has been the biggest roadblock for the industry over the past 2-3 years?

AZ: Shortage of Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel. Pressure systems are complex and require skill and knowledge from those designing, fabricating and operating them.

What key topics are you excited to discuss at this year's conference?

AZ: I am looking forward to discussions around the regulatory landscape and introduction of innovative technologies. Both of these topics present challenges and opportunities for the industry and I am excited to learn from the expertise offered by the attendees at this conference.

What would you say are the technologies or applications to watch for the future?

AZ: I think two applications that will see great growth in the near future are Hydrogen systems and Small Modular Reactors. Both present a series of challenges including safety assessments and need for robust regulatory framework.

And the main technologies to watch are advances in the use of composite materials, automated offsite fabrication and in-service Non-Destructive Examination.

Who else are you most interested in hearing from on the programme?

AZ: I am looking forward to hearing from Professor David Nash, he has such a great knowledge of the past and understanding of the current and emerging technologies in the pressure systems world that allow him to have a clear vision of the developing trends.

Why is it important for engineers to join this conference?

AZ: Pressure systems are at the forefront of the transition to sustainable energy: from green energy production, to increased lifespan and efficiency of the existing assets, to reduction in waste and optimisation of the whole system operation. This conference provides a broad view of the life cycle of the pressure systems and would be beneficial to anyone involved in: design, manufacture, operation, maintenance or decommissioning of pressure systems.

The Lifecycle of Pressure Systems conference will take place on 31st October - 1 November 2023 in London

The conference is a comprehensive two days of updates that brings together every area of the pressure systems community.Don't miss this “state of the industry” designed to update all those involved with pressure systems and equipment and for all asset stages: from design and installation to daily operation and decommissioning.

For further details of the conference and to book your place, please visit the event website.


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