UAS Challenge


Past events

Congratulations to UAS Challenge Award winners

Live Fly Off Event

View the complete 2024 Challenge results

2024 results 


Full 2024 Award Winners

  • Grand Champions: Beihang University
  • Runner up: University of Bath
  • Third Place: Estonian Aviation Academy
  • Simulation Award: Loughborough University
  • Design Award: Loughborough University
  • Environmental Award: University of Valencia
  • Innovation Award: Heriot-Watt
  • Operational Supportability: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Business Proposition Award: Queen’s University Belfast
  • Media & Engagement: University of West England
  • Advancement Award: DeMontfort University
  • Most Promise Award: University of Twente

Past event results

UAS Challenge 2023 Results

View the complete 2023 Challenge results

2023 results 


Full 2023 Award Winners

  • Grand Champion – Team ATA – Istanbul Technical University
  • Runner Up – Team Dodo – University of Surrey
  • 3rd Place – Loughborough UAV – Loughborough University
  • Innovation Award – Team ATA – Istanbul Technical University
  • Design Award – IIT Bombay / Loughborough UAV
  • Simulation Award – ASPIRE - University of Western Macedonia
  • Scrutineering Award – IIT Bombay
  • Safety Award – Loughborough UAV – Loughborough University
  • Environmental Award – Loughborough UAV – Loughborough University
  • Airworthiness Award – Loughborough UAV – Loughborough University
  • Operational Supportability Award – UCL Nov - UCL
  • Business Proposition Award – UAS2023 - King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Most Promise Award – LUNA – University of Leicester
  • Advancement Award – IIT Bombay
  • Media and Engagement Award – Aero Watt Heriot Watt University

UAS Challenge 2022 Results

Watch our 2022 Awards Ceremony video

Full 2022 Award Winners

  • Grand Champion – Team Peryton Heron, University of Surrey
  • Runner Up – ANTHUS, Queen’s University Belfast
  • 3rd Place – HORUS UPV, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
  • Virtual Champion – Team Wrise, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
  • Innovation - ANTHUS, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Design – Loughborough UAV, Loughborough University
  • Scrutineering - ANTHUS, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Safety - Team Peryton Heron, University of Surrey
  • Airworthiness - HORUS UPV, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
  • Operational Supportability – DMU Fliers, DeMontfort University
  • Business Proposition – Team Foxtrot, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of engineering sciences and technology
  • Most Promise – Automec, Universidade de Aveiro
  • Highest place new entrant - HORUS UPV, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
  • Media and Engagement - DroneTeam Twente, University of Twente

Full scoring for teams at the Fly Off Event

Full scoring for all 2022 teams (including virtual competitors)

Full scoring for all Virtual Competitors

UAS Challenge 2020 results

View the complete 2020 Challenge results

2020 results 

Watch our 2020 Awards Ceremony video


Full 2020 results

  • Design:  Queen’s University Belfast
    Highly Commended: University of Huddersfield, University of Southampton, Imperial College London
  • Highest Placed New Entrant:  Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Team ANTS, Bangladesh
  • Innovation: University of Twente 
    Runner Up: University of Huddersfield
  • Safety & Airworthiness: Brunel University 
    Highly Commended: Open University, University of Huddersfield, UCL, Imperial College London
  • Business Proposition Award: Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Team ANTS, Bangladesh 
    Runner Up: Queen’s University Belfast
  • Media and Engagement Award: Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Team ANTS, Bangladesh
    Runner Up: University of Huddersfield

UAS Challenge 2021 Results

Fly Off results:

  • Grand Champion - University of Surrey
  • Runner up - Loughborough University
  • 3rd place - Heriot Watt University
  • Highest Placed New Entrant - Heriot Watt University
  • Innovation - Loughborough University
  • Design - Loughborough University
  • Safety - Loughborough University
  • Business Proposition - Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
  • Media and Engagement - Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
  • Scrutineering - Imperial College
  • Airworthiness - Imperial College
  • Operational Supportability - Loughborough University
  • Most Promise - Imperial College

Online event results:

  • Most promise: University of Twente - DronteTeam Twente
  • Environment: University of Moratuwa - Mora Avions
  • Safety: National University of Sciences and Technology - NUST Airworks
  • Design: Islamic University of Technology – ANTS
  • Innovation: Swansea University - blueswan
  • Highest placed new entrant: Democritus University of Thrace - Democritus Aeronautical Rescue Team ( DART)
  • 3rd place: University of Moratuwa - Mora Avions
  • Runner up: National University of Sciences and Technology - NUST Airworks
  • First place: University of Petroleum and Energy studies – Wrise

UAS Challenge 2019 results

Congratulations to UAS Challenge 2019 Grand Champions
Pakistan National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Air Works Team Beta!

Pakistan National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Air Works Team Beta

UAS Challenge 2019 gallery

Full 2019 results

  • Grand Champions: Pakistan NUST Air Works Team Beta
  • Runner up: Hibernica Liberandum, Queen's University Belfast
  • 3rd place: Team Flytanic, Queen's University Belfast
  • Most Promise (sponsored by Leonardo): Team SDU Eagles, University of Southern Denmark<
  • Design (sponsored by GKN Aerospace): Team Bath Drones, University of Bath
  • Innovation (sponsored by Bombardier): Team VOLTA, University of Southampton
  • Safety & Airworthiness (sponsored by Frazer-Nash Consultancy): Pakistan NUST Air Works Team Beta
  • Business Proposition (sponsored by Welsh Government): Pakistan NUST Air Works Team Alpha
  • Scrutineers Award: Pakistan NUST Air Works Team Beta
  • Media & Engagement: Pakistan NUST Air Works Team Alpha and Team Beta (joint winners)
  • Highest Placed New Entrant Award (sponsored by QinetiQ): Team Foxtrot, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Pakistan.

UAS Challenge 2018 results

Grand Champions 2018 - <br />ITU Hedef  with Platinum Sponsor Rep Bill Biggs and Head Judge Alistair Cowin

UAS Challenge 2018 winners - Team Hedef, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

When the Istanbul team arrived at the competition they moved like a well-oiled machine and delivered, despite the challenging weather conditions. They also won the Safety and Airworthiness Prize for which they displayed good organisation skills and a very positive air safety culture.  A really professional outfit flying a really capable UAS.

Alistair Cowin Chief Judge, UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Challenge.


UAS Challenge 2018 2nd place - Team Athena Southampton

2nd Place Team Athena Southampton


UAS Challenge 2018 3rd place - Team Hawk Huddersfield

3rd Place Team Hawk Huddersfield

UAS Challenge 2018 gallery

2018 UAS Challenge results

  • Grand Champion – Team Hedef, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
  • Runner Up – Team Athena, University of Southampton
  • 3rd Place –Team Hawk, University of Huddersfield
  • Innovation Award – Team Bath Drones, University of Bath
  • Design Award– Team Horus, University of Southampton
  • Scrutineers Award– Project Bentham, UCL
  • Safety & Airworthiness – Team Hedef, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
  • Business Proposition – Project Bentham, UCL
  • Most Promise –The design that has triggered the most discussion (and not just amongst the judges) - Team Nova, UCL
  • Highest Place New Entrant – National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
  • Media Engagement - National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan

Judges' Commendation certificates:

  • Runner up for Media engagement – Team Mora Avions – University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  • For the best FRR Video (by loads) – Team Hedef, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
  • Pakistan Teams for encouraging other to participate and attempting to launch a local competition.

2018 Competing teams

  • Coventry University – Team Phoenix
  • DHA Suffa University – Team Zarrar, Pakistan
  • Istanbul Technical University Team Hedef, Turkey
  • Kingston University London – Team Project Wunderfly
  • Loughborough University –  Team Newton Works
  • National University of Science and Technology
  • Queen Mary University of London – Team Hawkes
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Swansea University – Team Cigno
  • Team Mora Avions, Sri Lanka
  • Team NUST AirWorks, Pakistan
  • University College London –  Nova Team
  • University College London –  Team Drone Aid
  • University College London – Team Project Bentham
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Dundee – Team Haggis Aerospace
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Huddersfield –Team Hawk
  • University of Moratuwa
  • University of Portsmouth – Up Drone Team
  • University of Sheffield – Team Project HEX
  • University of Southampton – Team Athena
  • University of Southampton – Team Horus
  • University of Surrey – Team Peryton
  • University of the West of England – Team AIOS

UAS Challenge 2017 results

  • Teams registered to compete: 17

UAS Challenge 2017 gallery

Overall champions - Bath University

Winners of the other categories

  • Design – Bath University
  • Innovation – Bath University
  • Most Viable Business Proposition – University of Dundee
  • Safety and Airworthiness – Huddersfield University
  • Autonomous/Automatic Operations – Loughborough University
  • Manufacturing – Istanbul Technical University
  • Navigation Authority – Southampton (Valkyrie)
  • Environmentally friendly – Queens University Belfast
  • Most Promise – University of the West of England
  • Most Promise - University of the West of England
  • Endurance - Loughborough University
  • Payload Delivery - Southampton (Olympus)

UAS Challenge 2016 results

Teams registered to compete: 13

Overall champions - University of Loughborough

Winners of the other categories:

  • Design – University of Loughborough
  • Innovation – University of Southampton 
  • Most Viable Business Proposition – University of Sheffield
  • Safety and Airworthiness – University of Southampton 
  • Autonomous/Automatic Operations – University of Southampton 
  • Manufacturing – University of Loughborough
  • Viable Operational System – University of Loughborough
  • Environmentally friendly – University of Glasgow
  • Most Promise – University of Glasgow

UAS Challenge 2015 results

Teams registered to compete: 12

Overall champions - University of Southampton

Winners of the other categories:

  • Design – University of Loughborough
  • Most Viable Business Proposition – University of Loughborough
  • Safety and Airworthiness – University of Nottingham
  • Autonomous/Automatic Operations – University of Southampton 
  • Manufacturing – University of Liverpool
  • Most Promise – Sheffield Hallam University (with a mention/commendation for Swansea University)
  • Flying Operations – University of Southampton


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