Advanced Apprenticeship Provider of the Year Award

Recognises the significant role such providers have in encouraging young people in their apprenticeship and supporting them to be EngTech registered.

EngTech registration (EngTech MIMechE) shows employers, colleagues and society that your employees’ skills and experience are of the highest standard.

As an employer or college/training provider delivering an Advanced Apprenticeship you are giving your apprentices a strong foundation as they enter the world of engineering.

As they complete their apprenticeship and start their journey to professional registration your continued support is vital in enabling them to produce work to the highest standard.


Any organisation which provides an engineering Advanced Apprenticeship Scheme.

Award conditions

  • The nomination should identify the contribution made by the organisation, department or team in promoting the important contribution apprentices and EngTech registration make to the workplace. This could include apprentice and graduate schemes and educational outreach activities. You should include information on the age groups targeted and evidence of successful outcomes.
  • The application must be signed by a sponsor who supports the application.

Awards criteria

The organisation should:

  • Have an Advanced Apprenticeship Scheme
  • Make a significant contribution to encouraging young people into engineering
  • Promote the importance of EngTech registration
  • Demonstrate achievements in your apprenticeship/graduate schemes
  • Invest in outreach activities to further encourage young people into an engineering career

Outreach activities can include school visits, competitions, talks, design and construct activities, work experience, work with youth groups, community activities and company tours.

Value of award

The winner will receive a plaque and certificate. The organisation will also benefit from the industry-wide recognition gained by winning this prestigious award.

Application process

Closing date: 30 September 2024.

  • Applications can be submitted throughout the year via the online application form.
  • Nominations can be made by an employee, or by colleagues in the engineering community who have knowledge of organisations achievements
  • The application can be for the whole organisation or a department or team.

For further information or help completing the online application form email:

Apply Now

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